Drawing Accessible Futures (youth, online)

  • General Creative Arts
Aug 13 2021
Free enrollment option
Sliding Scale Contribution ($15)
Sliding Scale Contribution ($30)
Sliding Scale Contribution ($60)
  1. Sun 
  2. Mon 
  3. Tue 
  4. Wed 
  5. Thu 
  6. Fri4:00 - 5:00 pm
  7. Sat 


In this workshop, disabled youth will address inaccessibility in the past and present by identifying structures, systems, and interactions that have created harm. Participants will reimagine what an accessible, supportive future looks like through a series of drawing and writing prompts. A range of materials will be provided for participants to experiment with, and participants will learn accessible practices like how to write image IDs for their visual work. At the end of the workshop, participants will have the option of sending final work to Disability Pride Madison to be collected into a zine to be distributed in print and online.  

This workshop is possible thanks to the generous support of Dane Arts and the Madison Arts Commission with help from the Wisconsin Arts Council.  

Instructor Bio:

Rachel DL is a white, queer, disabled artist, writer, and organizer with Disability Pride Madison. In the past, she has partnered with the Awakenings Foundation in Chicago to discuss the intersections between art, activism, trauma, disability, interpersonal and institutionalized forms of violence. Her nonfiction, poetry, and comics, which explore similar themes, have appeared in Colorado Review, Redivider, Rooted in Rights, and Black Warrior Review among other places. Currently, she is at work on a graphic memoir about her experience being hospitalized during the COVID19 pandemic. More of her work can be found on racheldl.com. 

Class dates



Participants must currently be 18 years old or younger.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Registration period

Registration starts on 06/30/2021.

Registration closed.